What samples can be used for a paternity test
What samples can be used for a paternity test?
For our DNA paternity test we generally use cheek swabs or, in rare cases, blood samples. According to the German Genetic Diagnsotics act you have to conduct a witnessed taking of samples.
With our test kit you will receive verything you need for a witnessed taking af samples under chain-of custody- procedures. Also, we will supply you with 2 swabs for each participant. Accordingly, we have a 2nd sample as a fall-back, if the first of you samples does not contain enough DNA material.
How-to take a buccal swab
-prepare the sample envelope by filling in all data needed
-immediately before the sampling open the outer packaging of the swabs
-remove the swab without actually touching the cotton at the swab
-after the swabbing place the swab into the correct sample envelope. Repeat with the 2nd swab and seal the envelope
-Please make sure the participants have not eaten or drunk up to 1 hour before the sampling
Can non-standard DNA samples be used? Hair, chewing gum, zigarette butts
Generally, buccal swabs or blood samples are used for a paternity or a relationship test. Different kinds of samples will not be tested.
However, there a situations in which a deceased person's sample should be tested. In cases like this we are of course able to analyse different samples, also. Some of theses non-standrad samples are
hair (with their roots still attached)
contents of an until now uncleaned electric razor
muscle or organ tissues, obtained from a possible hospital stay
finger nails
tooth brush
cigarette butts
chewing gum
The person having responsibility for the deceased needs to give a written consent in order to have the test conducted (see German Genetic Diagnostics Act).