Express Overnight Service

Paternity test "Overnight Express"
Our standard processing time is 4 business days. If you need your test result faster choose our "over-night express" service and have your result next day (see below for details).
Our express offer:
For our express service, please choose the paternity test duo for €149 and the express processing for €79 .
Customers who are not able to come to our lab for the witnessed sampling will receive their results "over night" on the next working day after receipt of samples, signed forms and payment in the lab.
>> buy now
Customers who ate able to come to our laboratory directly for sample collection receive their results the next working day after sample collection for a total price of €299 (= 1 x Test Duo, express service and witnessed taking of the samples).>> buy now (or cash after the appointment)
Your express paternity test with us:
Please make an appointment with us. You can book appointments for sampling Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Your samples will go straight into the lab for analysis.
You will receive your test result by email the next working day latest at 4 pm
Plan your route to our lab in Ebersberg:
You live too far away? No problem:
Order the test documents and make an appointment for "documented sampling" with a sampler of your choice.
Pay for the analysis in advance, ideally via Paypal or the payment link provided above.
Your witness sends us your samples and the completed documents. Please inform us that express samples are on the way, so that we can prepare everything for processing.
We will start the analysis as soon as we have received
- the samples
- your payment
- and the complete documentation
You will receive your results until 4:00 p.m. on the following working day via a download link.
You do not want to wait for the ordered test kit?
You can also ask for our test in your pharmacy. Please ask for the pharmaceutical number 11543005. There is also the option of putting together your own test set.