Twin Zygosity Testing

1 Twin Test (monozygotic or dizygotic)
Costs: 170 € (VAT incl.) |
Twins can be monozygotic or dizygotic. Monozygotic twins emerge from one single fertilized egg cell which divides into two eggs during an early growth stage. Dizygotic twins (also fraternal twins) emerge from two different egg cells which are fertilized by one sperm each.
In order to tell if your twins are monozygotic or dizygotic you can have their DNA examined by a DNA test. All we need for this test is a simple mouth swab.
Eurofins' DNA Twin Test is an important part in the long term project "Twin-Life", a project run by the Univerity of Bielefeld and the Saarland University. Please read more about Twin-Life
Monozygotic twins
Monozygotic twins are the result of one single egg cell being fertilised by one single sperm. The egg cell then splits in two within the first days after the fertilisation. Each half of the embryo obtains exactly the same DNA. Their appearance and character will not necessarily be alike as aspects of the environment will also affect the development of a human being. Still, the gender of the twins will always be the same.
Dizygotic twins
Dizygotic twins are the result of two seperate egg cells being fertilised by two different sperm. These twins do not possess an identical DNA. From a genetic point of view they can be judged as conventional siblings.
Your advantages at a glance
Highest quality:
- our lab is one of Germany's leading forensic labs for DNA analyses
- we provide you with an extended DNA Report incl a table showing the DNA profiles of all participant
- our experienced scientists calculate your personal and individual relationship likelihood (statistically)
- our DNA reports are verified under dual control by 2 of our scientists
Genetic discrimination between identical monozygotic twins
Eurofins has successfully developed a DNA test to to identify genetic differences between identical twins.
Up until now scientists could not distinguish the DNA of one monozygotic twin from the other. Still, the basic idea of mutations within the genotype of monozygotic twins had been in the heads of many scientists for a long time already. These mutations, they assumed, could render a discrimination between their DNA possible.
Ultimately, it is due to our colleagues here at Eurofins that a DNA test for a genetic discrimination between monozygotic twins has now been successfully developed. Currently, this DNA test being used by police authorities and courts for a genetic fingerprinting to solve crimes involving monozygotic twins.