Prenatal Paternity Testing

Prenatal Paternity Test - Amniocentesis
In Germany, a prenatal DNA test, meaning before the birth of the child, is strictly forbidden by law (see Gene Diagnostic Law, Gendiagnostikgesetz (GenDG) , § 15 (1), Sentence 1). The only exceptions from this rule are pregnancies caused by a criminal act such as rape (GenDG, § 17, (6), see end of page)
Of course it is possible to conduct a paternity test directly after the birth. There is no need to wait as the genetic characteristics are already determined before birth. With a buccal swab a sample is taken from the baby's mouth (and all other participants). This is non-invasive and will not cause any bodily harm.
Prenatal Paternity Test after a Criminal Offence
For conduction of a prenatal paternity test after a criminal offence (German Penal Code (StGB) §§ 176 - 179), a filed charge must exist beforehand. The police or the court will then contact us. Your GP will provide us with a sample of the amniotic fluid. This sample, together with buccal swaps of the mother and the suspected father, will serve as a basis for the paternity test.
Please contact us with your questions. We are happy to help.