DNA Analysis for 1 father and 1 child

004915156425656 (Mo-Fr, 8 am - 5 pm)
DNA Analysis for 1 alleged father and 1 child
Costs: 149 € (incl. VAT) |
Your benefits with a Paternity Test DUO
- economic and fast: most competitive paternity test on German market
- free of charge: in case of an exclusion, the whole DNA test is repeated free of charge with your duplicate sample for your additional safety
- highest quality:
- our lab is one of Germany's leading forensic labs for DNA analyses
- detailed DNA report with tabular listing of all DNA profiles of all participants
- Accuracy
- paternity probability is calculated individually for each case by our scientists
- our DNA reports are double-checked independently by two of our scientists (four-eye-principle
From our long-term experience (more than 15 years) in the field of DNA analyses, we know most of our clients wish to clarify their genetic relationship for their personal certainty and peace-of-mind. More rarely are they driven by court to do a test.
Although the German Gene Diagnostic Act does no longer allow so-called secret home testing it does allow private testing. The samples of father and child are sufficient for testing. Yet all persons need to give their written consent (for minors all persons having parental care/custody).
A witnessed taking of the samples by a medical doctor, the testing lab (such as ourselves) or an employee of a youth welfare office or local health office is mandatory by law for any kind of testing. For simple and easy use, our free test kit provides you with all the necessary documents and a prepaid, pre-addressed return envelope The sampler fills in all the documents with you and sends them together with the samples directly to us.