Certification and Accreditation

When choosing a labratory for your paternity or relationship test, the cheapest price may not be the best option.
If you want to make sure, you are getting reliable results, there are important quality aspects which should be considered when selecting your testing lab. Some companies subcontract other DNA labs to conduct the testing for them. This always includes the risks of mislayed samples and unregulated testing methods. So, our advise is to always make sure you know the name and location of the lab which actually conducts the test.
Also check the laboratory has the approppriate accreditations and certifications. This proves that the lab meets the official quality standards regarding operations, management, procedures, instruments, plant and qualifications of laboratory staff.
Please find our respective certificates and accreditations here:
The German chamber of commerce has appointed our general manager as a publicly appointed expert witness (PDF, certificate of appointment in German)
ISO 17025:2018 accreditation (D-PL-18779-02-00) for Forensic Genetics. With this accreditation we fully comply with the German Gene Diagnostic Act as a German laboratory.
Regular and successful participation in blind proficiency trials
- DGAB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abstammungsbegutachtung = German Society for Paternity testing)
Certificates in German (PDF) 2004 - 2012: DGAB
Certificates in German (PDF) 2013 - 2016: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2017: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2018 a: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2018 b: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2019 a: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2019 b: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2020 a: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2020 b: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2021 a: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2021 b: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2022 a: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2022 b: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2023 : DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2023 b: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2024 a: DGAB
Certificate in German (PDF) 2024 b: DGAB - German DNA Profiling (GEDNAP, DGRM)
(PDF, 10 MB) Certificates in German 1998 - 2016: GEDNAP
(PDF) Certificate in German 2015: Gednap
(PDF) Certificate in German 2016: Gednap
(PDF) Certificate in German 2017: Gednap
(PDF) Certificate in German 2018: Gednap
(PDF) Zertifikat 2019: Gednap
(PDF) Zertifikat 2020: Gednap
(PDF) Zertifikat 2021: Gednap
(PDF) Zertifikat 2022: Gednap
- English Speaking Working Group of ISFG (International Society for Forensic Genetics)
(PDF) Certificates 2006 - 2015: ISFG
(PDF) Certificate 2016: ISFG
(PDF) Certificate 2018: ISFG
(PDF) Certificate 2019: ISFG
(PDF) Certificate 2020: ISFG
(PDF) Certificate 2022: ISFG
(PDF) Certificate 2023: ISFG
Accreditation by the British Ministry of Justice to conduct court directed paternity tests.
("Eurofins Medigenomix Forensik has been accredited by the Ministry of Justice as a body that may carry out parentage tests directed by the civil courts in England and Wales under section 20 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969")
Our quality management system is guided by the ISO 9001 guidelines
: (PDF) Certificate of Compliance with the regulations of the Cyber Essential Scheme to help us to guard against the most common cyber threats and to keep your data secure. Read more : https://www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk/